Permanent Cosmetics by JudithMax


FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

What is Permanent Cosmetics/Make-up?

Micro-pigmentation, permanent makeup and cosmetic tattooing is the practice of placing small amounts of pigment into the dermal layer of the skin to achieve a desired color change. It‘s a convenient alternative to daily application of makeup. Common areas to pigment are the brows, eyelids and lips.

Does it look natural?

Very natural – the goal is to give a soft, ombre, powdered look underneath the eyebrow hair-line, to enhance your natural features by using custom blended colors to compliment your skin tone, eye and hair color.

Is it expensive?

Not if you look at the long-term cost and effect. Think about how much money you spend each year on cosmetics and compare that and the convenience. It’s worth every penny to make the most of your natural beauty. Don't live in regret by trying to be frugal, bargaining or look for the cheapest deal. When it comes to your face, choose a qualified practitioner, invest in yourself and do it right!

Does it hurt?

Topical anesthetic is applied and allowed to set for at least 15-30 minutes depending on the procedure. An additional application of topical anesthesia is applied during the treatment. Most clients remain very comfortable throughout the entire procedure; it will all depend on each individual and their pain threshold. After the procedure is complete, most clients experience some redness and slight swelling of the treated area. This is temporary and usually subsides within a few hours for eyeliner and brows, and a day or two for lip procedures.

Will it fade?

The first two weeks after a procedure is called the color stabilization time. The first few hours after a procedure, the color will darken as the swelling subsides. In three to seven days the epidermal (outer) layer of skin will gradually peel or flake off as the new layer re-grows. Some of the color will come off with this layer. Allow a 10 - 50% fade during this time, depending on the procedure and the client. Your color will soften with time.

Will I need a touch up?

All clients who have a new procedure should return for a complimentary touch-up within a 4-6 weeks post procedure. Any adjustments or pigment that was lost during healing can be replaced at this time. In some cases, a client may have to come for a 3rd touch-up due to resistance or excessive bleeding which as a result may have healed in lighter in some areas. A time and material fee of $75 plus tax will be charged but will only be done after another 4-6 weeks up to 6 months from their last application.
There will be no refunds for any service.

How long will it last?

This varies with each individual person, though the usual duration is between two to five years, it will depend on the metabolism, medications, sun exposure, skin type and other factors. Darker colors last longer and people who don’t smoke or have more melanin in their skin tend to retain the colors much longer than those who do smoke or who have a lighter complexion. Proper after-care of the treated area will help prolong the results such as using sunscreen and avoiding tanning beds and chlorinated water.

What is your privacy policy?

Judith is dedicated to protecting clients and respects their privacy. The information that you provide is confidential. She does not sell or trade any of her clients' personal information with third parties. As a courtesy to her clients, Judith has chosen and cropped photos for samples for you to view online.
If you are interested in viewing a portfolio of her before and after pictures of clients she has done, then She invites you to call and schedule your free consultation, by appointment only.